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1 alpha layer_selections
decoratiion_vivi (made with a mask created by Narah)
Thank you to the tubers : Calguis - Maryse

Filters used
Vanderlee (Unplugged X: Defocus)
Mura’s Meister (Perspective tiling)
AP01/Innovations (Lines Silverlining)
Todies (weaver)
AAA Frames (texture frame)
Flaming Pear (make cube tile)

Colors palette
foreground color --> color 1 --> #a02d2a
background color --> colors 2 --> #d0dde5

you can use the paintbrush to follow the steps
Left click to grab it


in the materials palette, prepare a sunburst gradient with 2 colors chosen in your tubes
dark color as foreground, and light color as background, check “invert”

acitvate the alpha layer “alpha winter”, window/duplicate
close the original, and work with the copy
paint with the gradient
selections/select all
activate the tube “Claguis Mist Hivernal”
edit/copy  -  back on your work  -  edit/paste into selection
selections/select none
effects/image effects/seamless tiling

adjust/blur/gaussian blur/40
image/resize/350 pixels/uncheck “resize all layers”

effects/image effects/seamles tiling as before
layers/duplicate  -  image/free rotate

effects/plugins/Vanderlee/Unplugged X/Defocus

effects/image effects/seamless tiling as before
in the layers palette, close the visibility toggle of this layer andactivate the layer above


effects/plugins/AP01 Innovations/Lines Silverlining

in the layers palette, set the blend mode on “multiply” or  “burn” (according to your colors)
opacity on 100%
effects/plugins/Simple/Pizza Slice Mirror
in the layers palette, activate the layer above, and open the visibility toggle
set the blend mode of this layer on “hard light” or “overlay” (or other according to your colors)
opacity on 100%
layers/merge/merge all (flatten)
selections/load-save selection/from alpha channel/selection #1

layers/new raster layer
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/   0 / 0 / 40 / 100 / black
selections/select none
effects/distortion effects/polar coordinates

layers/duplicate  -  image/mirror  -  image/flip
layers/merge/merge down
selections/load-save selection/from alpha channel/selection #2

press on the delete key of your keyboard (or  edit/cut) and select none
selections/load-save selection/from alpha channel/selection #3

layers/new raster layer
activate the tube “Calguis Mist Hivernal”
edit/copy  -  back on your work  - edit/paste into selection
effects/art media effects/charcoal

in the layers palette, set the opacity between 30 and 45% (according to the mist and the colors)
layers/merge/merge down
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/  0 / 0 / 40 / 70 / black
selection/select none
in the layers palette, activate the background layer (merged)
selection/load-save selection/from alpha channel/selection #4

selections/promote background layer
layers/arrange/bring to top
effects/3D effects as before
effects/plugins/AAA Frames/Texture Frame

effects/3D effects/chisel/color 2

layers/merge/merge down
selections/select none
image/resize/ 35%

effects/image effects/offset

in the layers palette, activate the background layer (merged)
activate the tube “deco_vivi”,   edit/copy - back on your work - edit/paste as a new layer
effects/image effects/offset

selections/load-save selection/from alpha channel/selection #3
press the delete key of your keyboard and select none
in the layers palette, set the blend mode on “screen” and the opacity on 55%
in the layers paletten activate the background layer (merged)
layers/duplicate (2 times) and rename the layers 1, 2 and 3 as shown

in the layers palette, keep raster 3 active, close the visibility toggle of rasters 1 and 2
layers/merge/merge visible

in the layers palette, close the visibility toggle of the “merged” layer
acitvate raster 1 and open the visibility toggle of this layer
adjust/blur/gaussian blur/40
effects/distortion effects/pixelate

in the layers palette, acitvate raster 2 and open the visibility toggle of this layer
effects/plugins/Mura’s Mesiter/Perspective Tiling

in the layers palette activate the upper layer of the stack (merged) and open the visibility toggle
image/resize/85% (uncheck “resize all layers”)
select arround the transparent frame with the magic wand tool (default settings)
and paint with the sunburst gradient
selections/modify/expand/4 pixels
selections/invert/press the delete key of your keyboard
selections/select none
effects/3D effects/drop shadow as before
image/resize/95% (uncheck “resize all layers”)
effects/plugins/Flaming Pear/Make Cube Tile
effects/image effects/seamless tiling

layers/arrange/move down
in the layers palette, set the blend mode on “screen” (or other) and lower the opacity if necessary
layers/merge/merge all (flatten)
image/add borders/check “symmetric”
2 pixels color 2
2 pixels color 1
60 pixels with a contrasting color
with the magic wand tool (default settings) select this border and paint with the sunburst gradient
effects/plugins/AAA Frames/Texture Frame

selections/modify/contract/14 pixels
effects/plugins/AAA Frames/Texture Frame (same settings as before)
selections/select all
selections/modify/contract/60 pixels
effects/3D effects/drop shadow as before
selections/select none
image/add borders/15 pixels/white
activate the tube “Mr Frimas”, resize to 75%
edit copy - back on your work - edit/paste a a new layer and place as shown on final result
effects/3D effects/drop shadow as you like
activate the tube “Mr Tree Swallows”, resize to 50%  -  image/mirror
edit/copy  -  back on your work  -  edit/paste as a new layer and place as shown on final result
effects/3D effects/drop shadow as you like
add a new layer to apply your signature
layers/merge/merge all (flatten)
iamge/add borders/2 pixels/black
resize if necessary, save as... type JPEG

thank you to have realized this tutorial

if you want Vivi to see your creation
she will be very glad to receive it and present it at the end of her tutorial

My creation with my tubes

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