Tutorial 73
You will find the original tutorial Here
some of the tubes Sweety uses were received in sharing groups
or found on the web
if one of them is your property, please let us know
a link to your site will be added
they are provided as « single-use » for this tutorial
you are not allowed to share or used them for another purpose.
This tutorial is a personal creation,
any resemblance with another one would be pure coincidence
you are not allowed to share it or present it on your site, blog or forum
without the permission of Sweety
Thank you to the tubers for their great job
they make our creations possible
translator’s note : This translation is my property,
it is strictly forbidden to copy or distribute it on the Net
Thanks to Sweety for her kind permission
Sweety work with pSP 12, I work with PSP18, but it is possible to use another version.
have fun
1 color palette
5 sélections
1 preset extrude tuto 73 Sweety
2 decoration tubes
1 character tube (1db59fff.png found on the web, not provided).
copy the selections and paste them into the folder « Selections » of « My PSP Files »
double click on the preset to install them in the good folder
Graphics Plus: (cross Shadow) – Simple: (4 Way Average-Diamonds)
Carolaine And Sensibility: (CS LDots – CS Texture)
AP1 Innovations: (Line silverlining) - Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact: (extrude)
Adjust : (variations) - Filters unlimited 2.0 :Scribe : (4way Mirror)
VM Toolbox : (Zoom Blur) -
Thank you to Tine for her permission to use her filters page
foreground color -> color 1 ( FG ) -> #5487b4
background color -> color 2 ( BG ) -> #977c73
color 3 -> #464f61
you will need about 1 hour to create your tag (not counting the time to choose your tubes)
Use the pencil to follow the steps
open a new transparent raster layer 900 * 600 pixels
selections/select all
copy/paste into selection the landcape image
selections/select none
effects/image effects/seamless tiling/default settings
adjust/blur/radial blur
layers/duplicate – iamge/mirror/mirror horizontal – opacity of the layer 50%
layers/merge/merge down
Step 2
layers/new raster layer
selections/load-save selection/from disk/selection #1
copy/paste into selection the landscape image
adjust/blur/radial blur as before
selections/modify/contract/10 pixels
flood fill (match mode : none) the selection with the BG color
effects/plugins/Graphic Plus/Cross Shadow
selections/modify/contract/10 pixels
copy/paste into selection the landscape image
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/ 0 / 0 / 75 / 35 / black
selections/select none
Step 3
layers/duplicate – image/mirror/mirror horizontal
layers/merge/merge down
effects/image effects/offset/ H : 0 / V : -70 / check « custom » and « transparent »
selection tool/custom selection
layers/new raster layer
copy/paste into selection the landscape image
adjust/blur/radial blur as before
selecitons/modify/contract/10 pixels
flood fill the selection with the BG color
effects/plugins/Graphic Plus/Cross Shadow as before
selections/modify/contract/10 pixels
copy/paste into selection the landscape image
effects/3D effects/drop shadow as before
selections/select none
layers/arrange/move down
Step 4
copy/paste as new layer the decoration tube 1
colorize if necessary
effects/image effects/offset/ H : 0 / V : 0
selections/load-save selection/from disk/selection #2
effects/3D effects/cutout/ 0 / 0 / 100 / 50 / black
selections/select none
Step 5
your work and your layers palette look like this
Raster 4 is the active layer
activate the bottom layer (Raster 1)
effects/plugins/Simple/4 Way Average
layers/duplicate – image/resize/95% (uncheck « all layers »)
Step 6
selections/load-save selection/from disk/selection #3
activate the landscape image / effects/image effects/seamless tiling/default settings and COPY
back to your work
layers/new raster layer
edit/paste into selection
layers/arrange/move down – blend mode : Multiply (or other)
activate the layer just above and keep selection active
effects/plugins/Carolaine And Sensibility/CS LDots
layers/new raster layer
effects/3D effects/cutout/ 0 / 0 / 80 / 50 / black
layers/merge/merge down TWICE
selections/select none
(once you’ve finished this step, don’t forget to undo the seamless tiling effect on your landscape image)
Step 7
your tag and your work look like this
Raster 5 is the active layer
close the visibility of this layer and of « Raster 1 » (bottom layer)
acitvate any othe layer and merge visible
open the visibility of Raster 5 and Raster1, keep the top layer active
layers/arrange/move down
effects/plugins/Mura’s Meister/Perspective Tiling
viw/rulers – activate the Pick tol
grab the top middle handle and lower the layer to 380 pixels
Step 8
your work and your layers palette look like this
activate « Raster 5 »
selection tool/custom selection
effects/reflection effects/feedback
selections/select nons
Step 9
activate the top layer (merged)
copy/paste as new layer, set aside for a later use
selections/load-save selection/from disk/selection #4
copy/paste into selection the landscape image – opacity of the layer +/- 40%
keep selection active
layers/new raster layer
copy/paste into selection the image set aside previously
selections/select none
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/ 0 / 0 / 100 / 10 / black
Step 10
layers/new raster layer – layers/arrange/move down
selections/load-save selection/from disk/selection #4
selections/modify/select selection borders
flood fill the selection with the BG color
effects/plugins/AP01 Innovations/Line Silverlining
selections/select none
activate Raster 2
layers/merge/merge down TWICE
layers/arrange/move down
Step 11
your work and your layers palette look like this
the active layer is the second from the top (merged)
activate the layer above (copy of merged)
effects/plugins/Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 – Impact/Extrude
layers/arrange/move down – opacity between 75% and 85%
apply this effect once more (optional)
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/ 1 / 1 / 60 / 10 / black
Step 12
image/add borders/2 pixels/BG color
selections/select all
image/add borders/60 pixels with a contrasting color
edit/paste into selection
adjust/blur/radial blur
effects/plugins/Unlimited 2/Scribe/4Way Mirror
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/ 0 / 0 / 100 / 50 / black
selecitons/select none
Step 13
selections/load-save selection/from disk/selection #5
effects/plugins/VM Toolbox/Zoom Blur
effects/plugins/Carolaine and Sensibility/CS-Texture
selections/select none
copy/paste as new layer the decoration tube 2
don’t move it
colorize if necessary, or change the blend mode if you want
copy/paste as new layer the main tube, move it where you want, rezise if necessary
effects/3D effects/drop shadow to your likings
you can add more decorations and manage this step of the tutorial as you wish
Final step
image/add borders/2 pixels BG color
apply your signature – layers/merge/merge all (flatten)
image/resize/950 pixels width (or other)
file/save as... type jpeg/compression 20
your tag is finished
Thank you to have realized it
My tag with my tubes - animated with Ulead Gif Animator
To write to Sweety
don't hesitate to send your creations, Sweety will be very glad to see it
and to resent it in the gallery
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