Tutorial 32
You will find the original tutorial Here
I am member of TWInc
this translated tutorial is protected
The tubes Sweety uses were received in sharing groups
or found on the web
if one of them is your property, please let us know
a link to your site will be added
they are provided as « single-use » for this tutorial
you are not allowed to share or used them in any other way.
This tutorial is a personal creation,
any resemblance with another one would be pure coincidence
you are not allowed to share it or present it on your site, blog or forum
without the permission of Sweety
Thank you to the tubers for their great job
they make our creations possible
This translation is my property,
it is strictly forbidden to copy or distribute it on the Net
Thanks to Sweety for her kind permission
I work with PSP12, but it is possible to use another version.
have fun
6 selections - copy them and paste them into the folder “selections” of My PSP Files
1 preset backlight - double click on it to install it in the right plugin
1 tube “man” - 1 tube “landscape” - 1 “decoration” tube “449016fleurtiram42” - 1 tube “woman”
Open the tubes, duplicate them and work with the copies
1 texture (copy and paste into the folder “textures” of My PSP Files)
Mura’s Meister/Cloud - Toadies/What Are You? - Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact/Backlight
Filter Attacks/Border: Polygone (provided) -
Graphic Plus/Cross Shadow - Simple/Left Right Wrap
With the kind persmission of Tine
color 1 -> foreground color -> #382380
color 2 -> background color -> #724cfb
color 3 -> #eee181
Use the paint brush to follow the steps
left click to grab it
open a new transparent folder 900 * 600 pixels
effects/plugins/Mura’s Meister/Cloud
Step 2
image/resize/uncheck “resize all layers”/50%
image/free rotate/left/90°/both boxes unchecked
Step 3
in the layers paeltte, keep this layer active
selections/select all
selections/float - selections/defloat
selections/modify/contract/10 pixels
effects/plugins/Mura’s Meister/Cloud/same settings as before ( 100/100/3/ 0/0/0/0/0/0)
selections/modify/contract/10 pixels
fill with color 3
selecitons/modify/contract/10 pixels
press the Delete key of your keyboard
selections/select none
Step 4
image/resize/uncheck “resize all layers”/80%
effects/image effects/offset ( -328 / 0 ) / custom and transparent checked
effects/distortion effects/wave
Horizontal : 0 / 100 - Vertical : 15 / 100 - check “transparent”
layers/duplicate - image/mirror
layers/merge/merge down
effects/image effects/offset ( 0 / 29 )
Step 5
in the layers palette, activate the layer below
effects/plugins/Toadies/What Are You?/default settings ( 20 / 20 )
effects/texture effects/blinds
effects/edge effects/enhance
in the layers palette, set the blend mode on “screen” (or other of your choice)
and the opacity on 60%
Step 6
in the layers palette, activate the top layer (copy (2) of raster 1)
adjust/smart photo fix
effects/texture effects/blinds (6 / 20 / color 2 (light)
layers/duplicate - image/resize/uncheck “resize all layers”/50%
effects/image effects/seamless tiling/default settings
selections/load-save selection/from disk/selection #1
press the delete key of your kayboard
selections/select none
Step 7
make sure “copy (3) of raster 1” is still active in the layers palette
selections/load-save selection/from disk/selection #2
in the layers palette, activate the layer below (raster 1)
layers/promote selection to layer
layers/arrange/bring to top
layers/arrange/move down
selections/select none
your layers palette looks like this
Step 8
in the layers palette, activate the layer below (copy (2) of raster 1)
selections/load-save selection/from disk/selection #3
layers/new raster layer
layers/arrange/move down
activate the tube “man” (tubed by Sieske)
edit/copy - back to your work - edit/paste into selection
selections/select none
layers/duplicate - image/mirror
layers/merge/merge down
in the layers palette, set the blend mode on “screen” (or other)
or set the opacity between 60% and 75% (choose one of the 2 actions)
Step 9
in the layers palette, activate the layer above (copy (2) of raster 1)
selections/load-save selection/from disk/selection #3
layers/new raster layer
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/ -3 / -3 / 60 / 10 / black ** 3 / 3 / 60 / 10 / black
selections/select none
layers/duplicate - image/mirror
layers/merge/merge down
in the layers palette, set the opacity on 50%
layers/merge/merge down
Step 10
in the layers palette, activate the top layer (copy (3) of raster 1)
activate the selection tool (S) / custom selection
top : 146 / left : 210 / bottom : 385 / right : 689
press the delete key of your keyboard
keep the selection active
in the layers palette, activate the layer below
press the delete key of your keyboard
selections/select none
Step 11
in the layers palette, activate the bottom layer (raster 1)
acivate the selection tool (S) / custom selection
top : 0 / left : 240 / bottom : 383 / right : 656
activate the mist “taj11”
edit/copy - back to your work - edit/paste as new layer
image/resize/uncheck “resize all layers”/120%
move it properly (see final result)
selections/select none
in the layers palette, set the opacity between 50% and 60%
Step 12
in the layers palette, activate the bottom layer (raster 1)
selection tool (S) / custom selection
top : 368 / left : 0 / bottom : 600 / right : 900
layers/promote selection to layer
effects/texture effects/texture/find the texture “DDTexture21”
effects/edge effects/enhance
selections/select none
Step 13
your layers palette looks like this
activate the top layer (copy(3) of raster 1)
selections/load-save selection/from disk/selection #4
activate the tube “deco fleurtiram”
edit/copy - back to your work - edit/paste as new layer
image/resize/uncheck “resize all layers”/45%
move it into the selection (see final result)
selections/select none
Step 14
in the layers palette, activate raster 4
effects/plugins/Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact/Backlight/preset “Tuto32sweety”
settings, basic and colors tabs :
layers/duplicate - image/mirror
layers/merge/merge down
in the layers palette, activate the layer above (copy of raster 4)
layers/duplicate - image/mirror
layers/merge/merge down
in the layers palette, activate the layer below (raster 4)
set the blend mode on “Luminance (Legacy)” and the opacity on 70%
layers/arrange/move down
Step 15
your layers palette looks like this
your work looks like this
in the layers palette, activate the fourth layer from the bottom (copy of raster 1)
effects/reflection effects/Kaleidoscope
effects/edge effects/enhance
layers/arrange/move down
Step 16
make sure “copy of raster 1” is still active in the layers palette
selections/load-save selection/from disk/selection #5
press the delete key of your keyboard
(this step is only valid if you use the same landscape)
selections/select none
in the layers palette, set the blend mode on “dodge” and the opacity on 60%
Step 17
in the layers palette, activate the top layer (copy of raster 4)
layers/new raster layer
image/canvas size
selections/select all
selections/modify/contract/50 pixels
in the layers palette, activate the layer below (copy of raster 4)
press the delete key of your keyboard
in the layers palette, activate raster 4
press the delete key of your keyboard
activate raster 3 (the landscape)
press the delete key of your kayboard
keep the selection active
Step 18
in the layers palette, activate the top layer (raster5)
fill with color 3
layers/new raster layer
effects/3D effects/cutout/ 5 / 5 / 50 / 10 / black
layers/new raster layer
effects/3D effects/cutout/ -5 / -5 / 50 / 10 / black
layers/merge/merge down
layers/arrange/move down
Step 19
the selection is still active
in the layers palette, activate the top layer (raster 5)
selections/modify/contract/5 pixels
fill with color 1
effects/plugins/Filter Attacks/Border : Polygone
(note : if you have some difficulties with this filter, just do what you like on the border
you will surely find it very pleasant)
layers/new raster layer
fill with color 3
effects/plugins/Graphic Plus/Cross Shadow/default settings
layers/arrange/move down
in the layers palette, activate the top layer (raster 5)
effects/3D effects/drop shadow ->
1 / 1 / 60 / 10 / black *** -1 / -1 / 60 / 10 / black
selections/select none
drop the same shadow on the layer of the frames (copy (2) of raster 1)
Step 20
image/add borders/uncheck “symmetric”/black
top and bottom : 0 left and right : 60
activate the magic wand tool, tolerance and feather : 0
select the 2 balck borders
fill with color 3
effects/plugins/Simple/Left Right Wrap
selections/promote selection to layer
selections/select none
selections/load-save selection/from disk/selection #6
press the delete key of your keyboard
selections/select none
Step 21
keep this layer active
effects/image effects/offset/ Horizontal : 1060/Vertical : 0/
check “custom” and “transparent”
layers/duplicate - image/mirror
image/add borders/uncheck “symmetric”/color 3
top and bottom : 0 / left and right : 6
Step 22
activate the main tube (character)
Sweety used “00-A5-JayScottPike-haremcaptive”
edit/copy - back to your work - edit/paste as new layer
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/ 5 / 5 / 60 / 25 / black *** -5 / -5 / 60 / 25 / black
image/add borders/check “symmetric”/black/2 pixels
Last Step
apply your signature
layers/merge/merge all (flatten)
image/resize/width 950 pixels
adjust/sharpness/unsharp mask
radius : 2 / strength : 60 / clipping : 4 / check “luminance only”
file/save as… type jpeg
your tag is finished
Thank you to have realized it
To write to Sweety
Back to the board of Sweety’s tutorials
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