Turorial 6

click on french flag to find the original tutorial

Conditions of use of the material provided
It is forbidden to modify, change the name, take off watermarks or alter tubes provided
It is forbidden to share them in groups or offer them on your site, blog or forum
If you want to use them to create a tutorial, you must ask the permission of the authors

Odette has the permission of the creators to use their tubes, masks and decorations
Thank you to all of them.
Without their beautiful creations, no tutorials could be written.

Odette used PSPX5 and I used PSPX9 to create our tags
but you can follow this tutorials with any other version of PSP

tubes and misted image by Lisa T - mask

open all tubes
window/duplicate. Close the originals and work with the copies to preserve the originals
don’t forget to erase tuber’s watermark before using images
open the mask and minimize it to tray

Graphic Plus / Quick Tile II
Mura’s Meister / Perspective Tiling

Colors palette
foreground color -> color 1 -> #e0b98d
background color -> color 2 -> #d08f4b

use the pencil to follow the steps
hold down Left click to grab it and move it

open a new raster layer  900 * 600 pixels
prepare both colors in materials palette
prepare a linear gradient in FG box -> 45 / 3 / uncheck « invert »
flood fill layer with gradient
effects -> image effects -> seamless Tiling / default settings

adjust -> blur -> gaussian blur / 40

layers -> new mask layer -> from image

layers -> merge -> merge group
adjust -> sharpness -> sharpen

in materials palette, set White as FG color
layers -> new raster layer
selections -> select all
flood fill selection white
selections -> select none
layesr -> new mask layer -> from image -> Check « invert mask data »
layers -> merge -> merge group
adjust -> sharpness -> sharpen

using selection tool / rectangle -> select around white frame

selections -> promote selection to layer
copy / paste landscape into selection
selections -> select none
highlight bottom layer
layers -> merge -> merge all (flatten)
adjust -> sharpness -> sharpen

image -> add borders -> 2 pixels color 2
image -> add borders -> 25 pixels white
select large border with magic wand tool
effects -> plugins -> Graphic Plus / Quick Tile II

selections -> invert
effects -> 3D effects -> cutout -> 0 / 0 / 75 / 10 / black
selections -> select none
image -> add borders -> 2 pixels color 2
image -> add borders -> 25 pixels white
effects -> plugins -> Graphic Plus / Quick Tile II (don’t change settings)
adjust - blur -> gaussian blur / 40
selections -> select none

layers -> duplicate
effects -> reflection effects -> kaleidoscope

rename layer « background » - layers -> promote background layer
layers -> arrange -> sent to bottom

highlight top layer
image -> resize -> 85 % (uncheck « resize all layers »)
selection tool -> rectangle -> select a rectangle under white frame as shown below

selections -> promote selection to layer
effects -> plugins -> Mura’s Meister / Perspective Tiling

selections -> select none
layers -> merge -> merge all (flatten)
iamge -> add borders -> 2 pixels color 2
image -> add borders -> 25 pixels color 1
copy / paste character tube as new layer and move it to the right
resize if necessary (if you use the tube provided -> 85%)
drop a shadow of your choice
copy / paste tube « bulbs » as new layer and move it top left (see final result)
layers -> merge -> merge all (flatten)
image -> resize -> check « resize all layers » -> 1000 pixels (width)
adjust -> sharpness -> unsharp mask

apply your watermark
save as... type .jpeg
don’t forget to sign your work

OPTIONAL - Animation
if you want to add an animation
here are the explanations (with Ulead Gif Animator)

layers -> duplicate TWICE -> you now have 3 identical layers
close the eyes of copies, highlight bottom layer
effects -> Alien Skin Eye Candy Xenofex 2 -> Constellation

close the eye of bottom layer
open the eye of middle layer and highlight it
redo effect Constellation, don’t change settings, but Click on « random seed »
close the eye of middle layer, open the eye of top layer and highlight it
redo effect Constellation, don’t change settings, but Click on « random seed »
close the eyes of middle and top layer
open the eye of bottom layer and highlight it
file -> save as... type .PSD

file -> open and choose the work saved type .PSD
bottom left : you see 1 image   -   top right you see the 3 layers worked with PSP

bottom left, click on « duplicate »

top right : close the eye of bottom layer
open the eye of middle layer

bottom left, click on « duplicate »   -   top right : close the eye of middle layer
open the eye of top layer

click on « optimize »
file -> save as... type .gif

Animated tag

if you have any problem,
or to show us your creations,
Don’t hesitate to write to Odette
to Odette
or to me
to Lisa T
It will be a real pleasure for us to present them at the end of this tutorial

Your Creations

coming   soon

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