Top Nan Hoezle

You will find the original tutorial Here

This translation is my property,
it is strictly forbidden to copy or distribute it on the Net
Thanks to Nara for her kind permission
I work with PSP17, but it is possible to use another version.

The tubes provided are for personal use
you are not allowed to share them,  or present them in another site
without the permission of the authors

Open the tubes, duplicate them and work with the copies
copy/paste selections into the folder « Selections » of « My PSP Files »
copy/paste the gradient into the folder « Gradients » of « My PSP Files »

Pixellisation – Toadies – Mura’s Meister – Unlimited 2 – Nik Software Color Efex Pro 3.0

Use the paint brush to follow the steps
Left click to grab them

Step 1
Open a new transparent raster layer 1024 ** 600 pixels
flood fill with the gradient provided, set as shown below (sunburst effects)

Step 2
adjust/blur/gaussian blur/20

Step 3
selecitons/select all
copy/paste into selection the woman tube
selections/select none

Step 4
effects/image effects/seamless tiling/default settings

Step 5
adjust/blur/radial blur

Step 6

Step 7
effects/User Defined Filter/Emboss 3

Step 8
effects/Geometric effects/Perspective Vertical

Step 9
effects/plugins/Toadies/What Are You ?...

Step 10
effects/3D effects/drop shadow

drop shadow again changing (-2) Horizontal by (2)

Step 11
image/mirror/mirror vertical
layers/merge/merge down
blend mode : Multiply (or other of your choice)

Step 12
layers/new raster layer
selections/load selection from disk/choose the selection provided

Step 13
flood fill with a sunburst gradient, using 2 colors picked in your tube
set the opacity of the flood fill tool on 50%
Nara chose #a5c3ab  and #182e1e

Step 14
copy/paste into selection the landscape tube

Step 15
selections/modify/contract/10 pixels
selections/modify/select selection borders

Step 16
layers/new raster layer
flood fill with the gradient prepared in step 13, opacity of the flood fill tool set on 100%
effects/3D effects/inner bevel

selections/select none
layers/merge/merge down

Step 17
effects/3D effects/drop shadow

drop shadow again changing (5) by (-5) (Horizontal and Vertical)

Step 18
image/resize/75%/uncheck « resize all layers »
effects/image effects/offset

Step 19
image/mirror/mirror horizontal
layers/merge/merge down

Step 20
effects/plugins/Mura’s Meister/Copies

layers/arrange/move down
your layers palette looks like this

layers/merge/merge visible

Step 21
effects/plugins/Unlimited 2
Buttons & Frames/3D Glass Frame 1

Step 22
effects/plugins/Nik Software Efex Pro 3.0 (optional effects)

Step 23
activate the woman tube, and resier to 70%
copy/paste as new layer
effects/image effects/offset

Step 24
adjust/blur/gaussian blur/15
layers/arrange/move down

Step 25
copy/paste Nara’s watermark and move it in the bottom left corner
apply your signature
layers/merge/merge all (flatten)
file/save as… type jpeg

your tag is finished
Thank you to have followed it

To write to Nara

My tag with my tubes

Back to the board of Nara's tutorial
board 1 
