Santa Claus

The original tutorial can be found HERE

Conditions of use of the material provided
It is forbidden to modifiy, change the name, take off the watermarks or alter the tubes.
It is forbidden to share them in groups or offer them on your site, blog or forum without permission
If you want to use them to create a tutorial, you must ask the permission to the authors.
This is a personal work.
any resemblance with another tutorial would be pure coincidence
it is forbidden to share it or distribute it on the Web,
to present it in a group or forum without the author’s permission
« Rose de Sables » is happy to share her work with you
she hopes it will help you dream and get away from your eveyday life


thank you to the tubers for their great work
open tubes, duplicate them and work with the copies
copy / paste gradient into the folder « gradient » of My PSP Files
to prevent the theft of tubes, they are no longer provided in the material ZIP
the only tubes provided are : decorations, masks and selections
you will have to use your personal collection

Filters Used
Alien Skin/Perspective Shadow/Last Used
Graphic plus/Cross Shadow
Noise Filters/Background Noise
AAAFrame/Foto Frame

translator’s note
Rose des Sables works with PSP X, I use PSPX9 to create my tag and write my translation
but this tutorial can be realized with another version
according to the version of PSP you use, the results might be slightly differents
don’t hesitate to change the blend modes of the layers to match your tubes and colors

color 1 --> foreground color --> FG --> left click --> #d4b382 (choose a light color)
color 2 --> background color --> BG --> right click --> #897d5f (choose a dark color)

Use the pencil to follow the steps
hold down left click to grab it and move it

open « Fond Rose DS »
highlight Raster 1
edit / copy   -   edit / paste as new image

layers -> duplicate
image -> resize -> uncheck « resize all layers » -> 80%
selections -> select all
selections -> float
seleciton -> defloat
selections -> modify -> select selection borders

layers -> new raster layer
flood fill with gradient « bkgr95 » provided

effects -> texture effects -> blinds

effects -> texture effects -> blinds -> same settings but check « horizontal » too
effecst -> edge effects -> enhance more

effects -> plugins -> Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact / Perspective Shadow
tab « Settings »

tab « Basic »

selections -> select none

close all layers except for Raster 2 (frame)
highlight this layer
select inside frame with magic wand tool

layers -> new raster layer
copy / paste into selection « Bougies 385373 » (candles)
selections -> select none
adjust -> sharpness -> sharpen if necessary

layers -> merge -> merge down (frame and image)

copy / paste « BluefayBuch » as new layer
layers -> arrange -> move down

open visibility of all layers, keep Raster 3 highlighted
blend mode of layer : Luminance (Legacy)  -  opacity : 60%

effects -> 3D effects -> drop shadow

your layers palette looks like this

highlight Raster 2
effects -> plugins -> Adjust / Variations
Click on « Original », then click on « More Yellow » (once) and « Lighter » (Twice)

adjust -> sharpness -> sharpen
your work looks like this

image -> resize -> 60%
copy / paste as new layer
layers -> arrange -> bring to top
adjust -> hue and saturation -> colorize
use Hue and Saturation values of your dark color
here are Rose des Sables’ settings

effects -> 3D effects -> drop shadow as before (don’t change settings)
move layer to the left (see final result)

copy / paste as new layer « 13508436267_noel_nikita »
image -> resize -> 60% (resize all layers unchecked)
move it to the left (see final result)

layers -> duplicate
image -> resize -> 60%
move it to the right

keep top layer highlighted
copy / paste as new layer « Joyeux Noel Rose DS » (don’t forget to erase watermark)
move it as shown on the final result

effects -> plugins -> Graphic Pllus / Cross Shadow (default settings)

apply your watermark

layers -> merge -> merge visible

image -> add borders -> ...
2 pixels color 2
2 pixels color 1
2 pixels color 2
25 pixels any contrasting color

select large border with magic wand tool

copy / paste into selection « Fond Rose DS » (Raster 1)

adjust -> blur -> gaussian blur : 5

effects -> plugins -> Unlimited 2 -> Noise Filters / Background Noise

effects -> 3D effects -> outer bevel

selections -> invert

effects -> 3D effects -> drop shadow

drop shadow again changing (10) by (-10)

selections -> invert
effects -> plugins -> AAA Frames / Foto Frame

selections -> select none
adjust -> sharpness -> sharpen if necessary
resize your tag if you like
file -> save as... type .jpeg

Your tag is finished.
Thank you for following this tutorial
Don’t forget to sign (to avoid plagiarism) and save file as… type JPEG

Don’t  hesitate to send  your creations to Rose des Sables

It will be a real pleasure for her to show them in the gallery at the bottom of the tutorial page
Don’t forget to indicate her your name and the adress of your blog or site if you have one

My tag with other tubes (Xmas tree by Cibi - red ball by myself - image "google images")

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