Which One ??

Original tutorial can be found HERE

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Filter used
Graphic Plus/Cross Shadow
AP Innovations/Lines Silverlining/Dotty Grid
Neology/Vasarely Mosaïc
Simple/Top Left Mirror
Alien Skin Impact/Perspective Shadow

one alpha layer “alpha-choisir”
tubes by Jacotte
one decoration tube
one tube "english_text" by Lisa T.

foreground color --> color 1 --> #feedeo
background color --> color 2 -->#7b686d

Use the paint brush to follow the steps
Left Click to grab it

Step 1
open the alpha layer « alpha-choisir »
we wil work with the copy

Step 2
fill with a  linear gradient  45 / 5  (uncheck “invert”)
adjust/blur/gaussian blur/ 15

Step 3
layers/new raster layer
selections/load-save selection/from alha channel/selection #1
paint with color 2
effects/plugins/Graphic Plus/Cross Shadow

selections/select none
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/1 / 1 / 100 / 2 / black

Step 4
selections/load-save selection/from alpha channel/selection #2
layers/new raster layer
paint with the linear gradient prepared in step 2
adjust/blur/gaussian blur/ 20
effects/AP Innovations/Lines Silverlining/Dotty Grid

lyers/arrange/move down

Step 5
activate the tube of the man dressed in white “tube 653”
edit/copy  -  back on your work  -  edit/paste into selection
selection/select none

Step 6
in the layers palette, activate the layer on top of the stack
selections/load-save selection/from alpha channel/selection #3
layers/new raster layer
paint with the linear gradient
adjust/blur/gaussian blur/ 20
effects/plugins/AP Innovations/Lines Silverlining/Dotty Grid as in step 4
layers/arrange/move down

step 7
activate the tube of the man dressed in black “homme 654”
edit/copy  -  back on your work  -  edit/paste into selection
selections/select none

Step 8
in the layers palette, close the visibility toggle of the background layer “alpha-choisir”
activate the layer on top of the stack
layers/merge/merge visible
open the visibility toggle of the background layer

Step 9
activate the merged layer
selections/load-sve selection/from alpha channel/selection #4
layers/new raster layer
paint with the linear gradient
adjust/blur/gaussian blur/ 20
activate the tube of the landscape
edit/copy  -  back on your work  -  edit/paste into selection
keep selection active

Step 10
layers/new raster layer
paint with color 1
selections/modify/contract/ 2 pixels
edit/cut (or press the delete key of your keyboard)
selections/select none
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/  1 / 1 / 100 / 2 / black
layers/merge/merge down
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/  0 / 0 / 100 / 40 / black
your layers palette is like this

Step 11
in the layers palette, activate the merged layer
selections/load-save selection/from alpha channel/selection #5
layers/new raster layer
paint with a radial gradient

adjust/blur/gaussian blur/ 20
layers/arrange/move down
effects/Neology/Vasarely Mosaics

effects/edge effects/enhance
selections/select none

step 12
in the layers palette, activate the merged layer again
selections/load-save selection/from alpha channel/selection #6
layers/nex raster layer
paint with the radial gradient of step 9
effects/plugins/AP Innovations/Lines Silverlining

selections/select none
layers/arrange/move down

Step 13
in the layers palette, close the visibility toggle of the background layer (alpha-choisir)
activate the layer on top of the stack
layers/merge/merge visible

Step 14
keep the merged layer active
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/  5 / 5 / 50 / 5 / black
and again but changing 5 to -5

Step 15
merged layer is still active
layers/new raster layer
selections/load-save selection/from alpha channel/selection #7
paint with the radial gradient
selections/select none
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/   2 / 2 / 60 / 35 / black
image/free rotate

effects/image effects/offset

layers/duplicate  -  image/mirror
layers/merge/merge down

Step 16
open the visibility toggle of the background layer (alpha-choisir)
in the layers palette, activate this layer
effects/texture effects /weave

Step 17
in the layers palette, activate the layer on top of the stack
activate the tube of the woman
edit/copy  -  back on your work  -  edit/paste as a new layer
image/resize/uncheck “resize all alyers”/62 %
move as shown on final result
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/    2 / 2 / 60 / 35 / black

Step 18
layers/merge/merge visible

Step 19
selections/load-save selection/from alpha channel/selection #8
layers/new raster layer
paint with color 2
selections/modify/contract/ 2 pixels
paint with color 1
selections/select none
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/  5 / 5 / 60 / 18 / black

Step 20
laeyrs/merge/merge down

Step 21
activate the deco tube
edit/copy  -  back on your work  -  paste as a new layer
effets/image effects/offset

effects/3D effects/drop shadow   5 / 5 / 50 / 5 / black
effects/plugins/Simple/Top Left Mirror

Step 22
image/add borders/3 pixels/color 1

Step 23
image/add borders/3 pixels/color 2

Step 24
image/add borders/2 pixels/color 1

Step 25
image/add borders/45 pixels/color 2
select this border with the magic wand
selections/promote selection to layer
paint with a linear gradient 45 / 5 / uncheck “invert”
effects/plugins/Graphic Plus/Cross Shadow

effects/plugins/Toadies/What Are ou?

effects/edge effects/enhance more
layers/merge/merge down

Step 26
effects/plugins/Alien Skin Impact/Perspective Shadow

and once more, apply the same effect (perspective Shadow)

Step 27
image/add borders/3  pixels/color 1

Step 28
activate the tube “texte”
you can choose the french or the english text, both tubes are provided in the material
edit/copy  -  back on your work  -  edit/Paste as a new laeyr
effects/image effects/offset

layers/merge/merge all (flatten)

Step 29
image/resize/900 pixels width
adjust/sharpness/unsharp mask

apply your signature, save as... type JPEG

Your tag is now finished

Thank you to have realized this tutorial

Do not hesitate to send your tags to Jacotte

she will be very glad to see it
and to present it on her site, with your permission of course.

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