Original tutorial can be found HERE

tubes - alph layer (selections)

open the tubes, duplicate them and work with the copies to preserve the originals
copy / paste the mask into the folder « masks » of PSP general folder

Hints & Tips
TIP 1 -> if you don’t want to install a font -->
open it in a software as « Nexus Font » (or other font viewer software of you choice)
as long as both windows are opened (software and font), your font will be available in your PSP
TIP 2 -> from PSPX4, in the later versions of PSP the functions « Mirror » and « Flip » have been replaced by -->
« Mirror » --> image -> mirror -> mirror horizontal
« Flip » --> image -> mirror -> mirror vertical

Filters Used
Factory V : incantations
Simple : pizza slice miror
Penta com : dot and cross
Unlimited BKG kaléiodoscope : cake mix
Unlimited : VM Toolbox : Brightness Noise
Miror rave : quadrant flip
L en K's : zitah
Alien skin impact : gradient glow
Mura seamless : checks
Mura meister : perspective tilling
Thank you to Renée Salon and Cloco for sharing their plugins pages

xxxxxxxxxxx palette couleurs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
color 1 -> FG color -> #ecd1b5
color 2 -> BG color -> #72161d

Use the pencil to follow the steps
hold down left click to grab it and move it


open the alpha layer
it contains the selections necessary to follow the steps of this tutorial (on the alpha channel)

flood fill the layer with alinear gradient -> 45 / 0 / don’t tick « invert »

adjust -> blur -> gaussian blur / 25

effects -> plugins -> Filter Factory V / Incantations

effects -> edge effects -> enhance

effects -> plugins -> Simple -> Pissa Slice Mirror

selections -> load selection -> from alpha channel -> selection 1

effects -> plugins -> Penta.com / Dot And Cross

selections -> select none

effects -> plugins -> Unlimited 2 / Bkg Kaleidoscope / Cake Mix

effects -> plugins -> Unlimited 2 -> Mirror Rave / Quadrant Flip

selections -> load selection -> from alpha channel -> selection 2
selections -> promote selection to layer
effects -> plugins -> L en K’s Zitah

effects -> plugins -> Alien Skin Eye Candy 5-Impact / Gradient Glow

use colors 1 and 2
selections -> select none

effects -> 3D effects -> drop shadow -> 0 / 0 / 80 / 25 / black

highlight the alpha layer
selections -> load selection -> from alpha channel -> selection 1
effects -> plugins -> Alien Skin Eye Candy 5-Impact / Gradient Glow (same settings as ins tep 11)

selections -> promote selection to layer
selections -> select none
effects -> 3D effects -> drop shadow -> 0 / 0 / 80 / 25 / black

layers -> duplicate
image -> mirror -> mirror horizontal
layers -> merge -> merge down twice

alpha layer is highlighted
selections -> load selection -> from alpha channel -> selection 3
selections -> promote selection to layer
effects -> plugins -> Alien Skin Eye Candy 5-Impact / Gradient Glow (same settings as ins tep 11)
selections -> select none

effects -> image effects -> seamless tiling

opacity of the layer : 50%
layers -> merge -> lmerge visible

view -> rulers
enable Pick tool
stretch up the layer to 495 (height)
press the M key to disable the tool

selections -> load selection -> from alpha channel -> selection 4
layers -> new raster layer
flood fill with the linear gradient created at the begining
effects -> plugins -> Mura’s Seamless / Checks

selections -> select none

effects -> plugins -> Mura’s Meister / Perspective Tiling

layers -> arrange -> move down
layers -> merge -> merge visible

copy / paste the landscape 1 as new layer
image -> resize -> untick « resize all layers » -> 70%

effects -> image effects - offset

effects -> edge effects -> enhance

layers -> load mask from disk

layers -> merge -> merge group

copy / paste the landscape 2 as new layer

effects -> image effects - offset

layers -> load mask from disk

layers -> merge -> merge group
effects -> edge effects -> enhance

copy / paste as new layer the chocolate Dinosaur
image -> resize -> untick « resize all layers » -> 50%
effects -> 3D effects -> drop shadow -> 0 / 0 / 50 / 25 / black

copy / paste as new layer the chocolate car
image -> resize -> untick « resize all layers » -> 75%
move it to the left
effects -> 3D effects -> drop shadow -> 0 / 0 / 50 / 25 / black

copy / paste the character tube as new layer
move it to the right
effects -> 3D effects -> drop shadow -> 0 / 0 / 50 / 25 / black

copy / paste the « chocolate text » tube as new layer
layers -> arrange -> move down 5 times

layers -> merge -> merge all (flatten)

image -> add borders -> 1 pixel color 2

image -> add borders -> 40 pixels color 1
select the large border with the magic wand tool

effects -> plugins -> VM Toolbox / Noise

selections -> invert
effects -> 3D effects -> drop shadow -> 0 / 0 / 100 / 25 / black
selections -> select none

image -> add borders -> 1 pixel color 2

image -> resize -> tick « resize all layers » -> 900 pixels (width)
adjust -> sharpness -> unsharp mask

apply your watermark and save as... type .jpeg
Your tag is finished
Thank you for following it

don’t hesitate to write to me if you have any trouble with this translation

to Lisa T

you can send your creations to Jacotte, she will be very glad to see them

to Jacotte

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