Original can be found here

Franie works with PSP 18, and I use PSP 19
But this tutorial can be realized with another version of PSP

If you want to present her tutorials on your forums or sites
please ask Franie first
If you publish your creation on a site or a blog
please put a link towards the tutorial.
Thank you to understand and respect the rules.

The tubes Franie uses have been sent by the authors on different groups
And she has their permission to use them
If you see a tube that belongs to you, contact Franie or myself
And a link towards your site will be added.
Please, don’t use tubes found on the web with no watermark
all the tubers apply their watermark
no watermark ---> stolen tubes

Alien Skin – Eye candy 5 Impact – Glass
Simple – Pizza Slice Mirror
Unlimited 2
Bkg Designer sf10I – Cruncher
VM Natural – Cross Weave
Transparency – Eliminate Black

1 alpha layer (selections) - 2 tubes « woman » - 1 color palette  - 1 mask
open mask and minimize it to tray

Tubers’ authorizations

Franie’s colors
Don’t hesitate to change them and to change the blend modes of the layers
According to your tubes and images
color 1 -> foreground color FG color -> #48081f
color 2 -> background color BG color -> #d0eddd
color 3 -> #286a65
color 4 -> #ffffff

Use the paintbrush to follow the steps
hold down left click to grab it and move it

open alpha layer
duplicate (Shift + D)
work with this copy and close the original layer
rename it « Raster 1 »

selections -> select allcopy / paste into seleciton « Woman_1165 »
selections -> select none
effects -> image effects -> seamless tiling / Side by Side

layers -> merge -> merge all (flatten)
effects -> image effects -> seamless tiling

adjust -> blur -> gaussian blur / 20

in material palette, set colors 1 and 2 as FG and BG colors

selections -> load-save selection -> from alpha channel -> selection #1
selections -> promote selection to layer
selections -> select none
effects -> artistic effects -> topography / color 2

effects -> image effects -> seamless tiling / default settings
effecst -> 3D effects  -> drop shadow TWICE -> 0 / 0 / 100 / 20 / color 1
layers -> duplicate
image -> resize -> uncheck « resize all layers » -> 90%
layers -> merge -> merge down
blend mode of layer : Hard Light

in materials palette, prepare a sunburst gradient

highlight Rasetr 1
layers -> new raster layer
selections -> load-save selection -> from alpha channel -> selection #2
flood fill selection with gradient
adjust -> blur -> gaussian blur -> 30
effects -> plugins -> AAA Frames -> Foto Frame

selections -> select none
effects -> 3D effec ts -> drop shadow -> 5 / 5 / 100 / 30 / color 1
image -> resize -> 90%

set color 3 as BG color
layers -> new raster layer
selections -> load-save selection -> from alpha channel -> selection #3
flood fill selection with color 3 (right click)
effects -> plugins -> Alien Skin - Eye Candy 5 Impact / Glass

effects -> 3D effec ts -> drop shadow -> -1 / 1 / 100 / 5 / color 3
layers -> merge -> merge down
selections -> select none

highlight Raster 1
layers -> new raster layer -> flood fill white
layers -> new mask layer -> from image

layers -> merge -> merge group
effects -> edge effects -> enhance
blend mode of layer : Screen - opacity : 80%

highlight Raster 1
layers -> duplicate
effects -> plugins -> Simple -> Pizza Slice Mirror
selections -> load-save selection -> from alpha channel -> selection #–4
selections -> select none
effects -> image effects -> seamless tiling / default settings

« Copy of Raster 1 » is highlighted
layers -> duplicate
effects -> plugins -> Unlimited 2 -> Bkg Designers sf10 I / Cruncher

adjust -> sharpness -> sharpen
blend mode of layer : Multiply

highlight « Copy of Raster 1 »
effects -> distortion effects -> wave

blend mode of layer : Screen - opacity : 30%

your layers palette looks like this

your tag looks like this

highlight Raster 1
edit -> COPY
edit -> paste as new image - set aside for a later use
back to your work

layers -> merge -> merge visible
image -> add borders -> check « symmetric » ->...
1 pixel color 1
5 pixels color 3
1 pixel color 1
50 pixels color 2

select large border with magic wand tool
selections -> promote selection to layer
keep selection active
effects -> plugins -> VM Natural / Cross Weave

effects -> plugins -> Transparency -> Eliminate Black
blend mode of tlayer : Multiply
effects -> edge effects -> enhance
layers -> merge -> merge down

selections -> invert
effects -> 3D effects -> drop shadow -> ...
5 / 5 / 75 / 20 / color 1    *    -5 / -5 / 75 / 20 / color 1

selection is still active
selections -> modify -> contract -> 7 pixels
layers -> new raster layer
effects -> 3D effects -> cutout -> color 1

redo this effect changing (5) by (-5)
selections -> select none

same as step 16 : ...
image -> add borders -> check « symmetric » ->...
1 pixel color 1
5 pixels color 3
1 pixel color 1
50 pixels color 2

select large border with magic wand tool
copy / paste into selection the image set aside in step 15
selections -> invert
effects -> 3D effects -> drop shadow -> 5 / 5 / 75 / 20 / black
drop hsadow again changing (5) by (-5)
selections -> select none

copy / paste azs new layer « woman_1165 »
move it to the right (see final result)
adjust -> sharpness -> sharpen more
effects -> 3D effects -> drop shadow -> 10 / 30 / 50 / 30 / black

apply your watermark
image -> add obrders -> 1 pixel color 1
file -> save as... type .jpeg
Your tag is finished

You can send your creations to Franie.
It will be a real pleasure for her to show it in the gallery of the tutorial

If you have any trouble following this tutorial
Contact Franie or myself

If you want to be informed about Franie’s new tutorials
Join her newsLetter

My tag with my tube

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