The original tutorial can be found HERE

Conditions of use of the material provided
It is forbidden to modifiy, change the name, take off the watermarks or alter the tubes.
It is forbidden to share them in groups or offer them on your site, blog or forum.
If you want to use them to create a tutorial, you must ask the permission to the authors.
the tubes used for this tutorial have been received in sharing groups
Béa has the permission of the tubers to use them

respect the tubers’ work : never use tubes without a watermark or a signature : they are stolen tubes
the tubes you find « on the web » without the tuber’s name are ALWAYS stolen tubes
if you think Bea used one of your tubes, please let her know,
and if this proves to be true, a link to your site or blog will ba added.
Or if you prefer, the tube wil be removed from the material’s folder

Tips and Hints
TIP 1-> if you don’t want to install a font -->
open it in a software as « Nexus Font » (or other font viewer software of you choice)
as long as the software’s window is opened, your font will be available in your PSP
TIP 2 -> from PSPX4, in the later versions of PSP the functions « Mirror » and « Flip » have been replaced by -->
« Mirror » --> image -->  mirror --> mirror horizontal
« Flip » --> image --> mirror --> mirror vertical

tubes - deocrations - alpha layer - palette - word art


Filters Used
Mura's Seamless - Mehdi -
Toadies - Alien skin eye Candy 5 Impact -
Graphic Plus - Ap Lines


translator’s note
I use PSP2018 to create my tag and write my translation
but this tutorial can be realized with another version
according to the version of PSP you use, the results might be slightly differents
don’t hesitate to change the blend modes and opacities of the layers to match your tubes and colors

Use the pencil to follow the steps
hold down left click to grab it and move it

open the alpha layer, duplicate it, work with the copy to preserve original layer

flood fill with color 1
selections -> select all
copy / paste into selection the character tube
(don’t forget to erase the watermark)
selections -> select none
effects -> image effects -> seamless tiling / default settings
adjust -> blur -> radial blur

effects -> edge effects -> enhance
effects -> plugins -> Mura’s Seamless / Shift at Zigzag

adjust -> sharpness -> sharpen
adjust -> add-remove noise -> add noise

layers -> new raster layer
enable selection tool -> custom selection

in the materials palette, set color 1 as FG color and color 2 as BG color
effects -> plugins -> Mehdi / Wavy Lab 1.1 / color 3 for the last two boxes

adjust -> blur -> gaussian blur / 25
selections -> select none

effects -> distortion effects -> wave

selections -> select all  -  selections -> float  -  selections -> defloat
selections -> modify -> select selection borders

flood fill selection with color 2
selections -> select none
effects -> plugins -> Toadies / What Are You ?... -> 10 / 10
effects -> edge effects -> enhance
adjust -> sharpness -> sharpen
effects -> reflection effects -> rotating mirror

layers -> duplicate
image --> mirror --> mirror vertical
layers -> arrange -> move down
highlight top layer
layers -> merge -> merge down
effects -> 3D effects -> drop shadow / color 1

layers -> duplicate
effects -> geometric effects -> skew

effects -> reflection effects -> Kaleidoscope

blend mode of the layer : Multiply - opacity : 90%

highlight middle laeyr (Copy of Raster 2)
layers -> new raster layer
selections -> load-save selection -> from alpha channel -> selection #1
copy / paste into selection the landscpae tube by LB
selections -> select none
blend mode of the layer : Lumicnance - opacity : 55%

layers -> new raster layer
enable selection tool -> custom selection

effects -> plugins -> Mehdi / Wavy Lab 1.1 / color 3 for the last two boxes
adjust -> blur -> gaussian blur / 25
selections -> modify -> select selection borders

flood fill selection with color 1
selections -> select none
effects -> distortion effects -> wave

effects -> plugins -> Toadies / What Are You ?... -> 5 / 5
effects -> edge effects -> enhance more
effects -> image effects -> seamless tiling

effects -> texture effects -> blinds

layers -> arrange -> bring to top

copy / paste as enw layer the woman tube (erase the watermark)
iamge -> resize -> untick « resize all layers » -> 75% and again resize -> 95%
move it as shown on the final result
effects -> plugins -> Alien Skin Eye Candy 5-Impact / Perspective Shadow

copy / paste as new layer the decoration tube
don’t move it

copy / paste as new layer the Word Art tube
place it where you like
effects -> 3D effects -> drop shadow -> 1 / 1 / 50 / 1 / black
select selection 2 from alpha channel
flood fill selection with color 1
effects -> 3D effects -> drop shadow -> 1 / 1 / 50 / 1 / color 3
selections -> select none
move it where you like

image -> add borders -> tick « symmetric » -> ...
2 pixels color 3
5 pixels color 1
2 pixels color 3
20 pixels white
2 pixels color 3
5 pixels color 1
2 pixels color 3
selections -> select all
image -> add borders -> tick « symmetric » -> 50 pixels white
selections -> invert
in the materials palette, prepare a radial gradient / FG color n°3 and BG color n°1

flood fill selection with this gradient
effects -> plugins -> Graphic Plus / Cross Shadow

effects -> plugins -> AP Lines / Lines Silverlining

selections -> invert
effects -> 3D effects -> drop shadow -> 0 / 0 / 100 / 40 / black
selections -> select none

apply your watermark
image -> add borders -> tick « symmetric » -> 1 pixel black

image -> resize -> width : 900 pixels (Tick « resize all layers »)
adjust -> sharpness -> unsharp mask

files -> save as . ... Type .jpeg

Your tag is finished.
Thank you for following this tutorial
Don’t forget to sign (to avoid plagiarism) and save file as… type JPEG

My version with one of my tubes

Don’t  hesitate to send  your creations to Béa

It will be a real pleasure for her to show them in the gallery at the bottom of the tutorial page
Don’t forget to indicate her your name and the adress of your blog or site if you have one

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