
You will find the original tutorial here :

Here is a fast and "easy to make" tutorial

This tutorial is a personal creation.
Any resemblance with another one would be only pure coincidence.
It is stricly forbidden to modify tubes, to change their name or take off the matermarks,
To present them on your sites or blog,
To share them in groups,
to make a bank of images, or to use them on lucrative purposes.

Thank you to respect Animabelle’s work and the tubers work.
Don’t hesitate to warn her (or me) if you have any trouble with this tutorial.
Don’t hesitate to contact Animabelle if you have any problem with this tutorial.

1 tube by Animabelle
1 decoration tube by Animabelle
1 mask by Animabelle
3 selections
1 woman tube by Animabelle
plugin Redfield Emblazer

Filters used
Kang 4 - Redfield - Filter Factory D - Eye Candy 5 Impact - Carolaine and Sensibility
L&K’s LandKsiteofwonders - Mura’s Seamless
This tutorial was created using PSP12, I used PSP 2020 to cretae my tag
but it can be done with another version.

thank you Renée Salon for sharing you plugins page with us

Use the pencil to mark your place along the way
hold down left click to grab and move it

Open all images in PSP, duplicate them and close the originals.
Never work on original images.
and they will settle down automatically in the right plugin
Put the selections in the special file “selections” of “My PSP files”
open the mask and minimize to tray

Colors used

Don't hesitate to change the colors, the blend mode of the layers, and the shadows
according to your tubes and images.

Step 1
open a new transparent background layer   800 ** 500 pixels
in the materials palette, prepare a radial gradient with color 1 and 2

fill the background layer with the gradient
effects/plugins/Kang 4/Bubblecross Waves

effects/image effects/seamless tiling

adjust/sharpness/sharpen more

Step 2

layers/properties/set the opacity on 75

Step 3
layers/new raster layer
paint with a rectangular gradient with the following settings

layers/new mask layer/from image

layers/merge/merge group
effects/plugins/Mura’s Seamless/Emboss at Alpha/default settings
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/    2 / 2 / 90 / 5 / color 2

Step 4
in the layers palette, highlight the layer below (group-raster2)
effects/distortions effects/wave

layers/properties/blend mode on “hard light” and opacity on 70%
layers/merge/merge visible

Step 5
selections/load-save selection/from disk/”sel1_lucrece_animabelle”
layers/promote selection to layer
layers/new raster layer, and fill it with color 2
set the opacity of this layer on 45%
layers/merge/merge down
effects/plugins/Filter Factory D/Tunnel Tile

effects/Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact/Glass / preset : Clear No Drop Shadow

selections/modify/select selection borders

fill with the following linear gradient

effects/Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact/Glass/same settings as before
selections/select none
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/    0 / 0 / 100 / 50 / color 3

Step 6
layers/new raster layer
selections/load-save selection/from disk/”sel2_lucrece_animabelle”
paint with color 2
effects/Carolaine and Sensibility/CS Texture

effects/Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact/Glass/same settings as before
selections/select none
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/    0 / 0 / 100 / 50 / color 3
layers/merge/merge all (flatten)

Step 7
activate the decoration tube
edit/copy - back to your work - edit/paste as new layer
layers/properties/blend mode on “luminance (legacy)”
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/    2 / 2 / 65 / 0 / color 3

Step 8
image/add borders/check “symmetric” :
3 pixels color 1
15 pixels color 2
3 pixels color 1
select the large border (15 pixels) with the magic wand
fill the selection with the following linear gradient

effects/Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact/Glass/same settings as before
selections/select none

Step 9
image/add borders/uncheck “symmetric” /color 2

select this border with the magic wand
effects/plugins/LenK’s LandKsiteofwonders/Mayra

selections/promote selection to layer
effects/reflection effects/rotating mirror

Step 10
layers/new raster layer
paint with color 1
layers/new mask layer/from image

layers/merge/merge group
set the opacity of the layer on 50%
layers/merge/merge down
effects/Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact/Glass/same settings as before
selections/select none

Step 11
image/add borders/check “symetric” :
3 pixels color 1
15 pixels color 2
select the large border with the magic wand
paint with the following linear gradient / colors 1 & 2

effects/Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact/Glass/same settings as before
selections/select none

Step 12
activate the character tube
image/resize/uncheck “resize all layers”/80%
edit/copy - back to your work - edit/paste as new layer
effects/3D effects/    -21 / 22 / 40 / 60 / color 3
move the tube to left side (see final result)

Step 13
layers/new raster layer
selections/load-save selection/from disk/”sel3_lucrece_animabelle”
paint the selection with the following linear gradient

selections/select none
effects/plugins/Mura’s Seamless/Emboss at Alpha/default settings
effects/3D effects/drop shadow/    5 / 5 / 40 / 10 / color 4
image/add borders/3 pixels color 1
Sign and save as... type JPEG, resize if necessary.

Don't hesitate to write to Animabelle if you have any trouble with her tutorial
If you created a tag with her tutorial and wish it to be shown,
send it to Animabelle !
It will be her pleasure to add it to the gallery at the end of the tutorial

Don't hesitate to write to me if you have any trouble with this tutorial
If you create a tag (using other tubes and colors than those provided) with this translation
and wish it to be shown
don’t hesitate to send it to me, and I’ll add it to the gallery at the end of this translation

created by    Birte

My tag with one of my tubes

back to the boards of Animabelle’s tutorials
20 tutorials on each board

board 13  => 

at the bottom of each board you will find the arrows allowing you to navigate from one board to another

