You will find the original tutorial here :
This tutorial is a personal creation.
Any resemblance with another one would be only pure
It is stricly forbidden to modify tubes, to change
their name or take off the matermarks,
To present them on your sites or blog,
To share them in groups,
to make a bank of images, or to use them on lucrative purposes.
Thank you to respect Alyciane’s work and the tubers
Don’t hesitate to warn me if you have any trouble
with this translation,
and I’ll try to fix the problem as quickly as I can
Alyciane works with PSP 2020 and I work with PSP
2020 Ultimate
but you can follow this tutorial with another version
of PSP, however the result might be slightly different
Thank you Garances for testing Alyciane’s tutorials
tubes – mask – alpha layer
open the tubes, duplicate, close the originals, and
work with the copies
open the mask(s) and minimize to tray
TIP 1 -> if you don’t want to install
a font -->
open it in a software as « Nexus Font » (or
other font viewer software of you choice)
as long as both windows are opened (software and font),
your font will be available in your PSP
TIP 2 -> from PSPX4, in the later versions of PSP the functions « Mirror » and « Flip » have
been replaced by -->
« Mirror »has become --> image => mirror => mirror
« Flip » has become --> image => mirror => mirror
Plugins needed
Graphics Plus
Use the pencil to mark your place
along the way
hold down left click to grab and move it
open « 1er mai 2023 » alpha layer
selections => select all
copy / paste the image into selection
selections => select none
effects => image effects => seamless tiling => default
adjust => blur => radial blur
effects => edge effects => enhance more
layers => duplicate
opacity of the layer : 50%
blend mode of the layer : Overlay
layers => merge => merge visible
effects => plugins => Scribe => 4 Way Mirror /
default settings
layers => duplicate
blend mode of the layer : Overlay
layers => merge => merge down
layers => new raster layer
flood fill white
layers => new mask layer => from image
layers => merge => merge group
image => resize => UNtick « resize all layers » => 110%
effects => 3D effects => drop shadow => -2 / -2
/ 40 / 5 / black
effects => 3D effects => drop shadow => 2 / 2
/ 40 / 5 / black
layers => new raster layer
selections => load-save selection => from alpha channel
=> selection # 1
copy / paste the image into selection
effects => plugins => Unlimited 2 => Scribe => ColorSpin
selections => select none
layers => new raster layer
selections => load-save selection => from alpha channel
=> selection # 2
copy / paste the image into selection
effects => plugins => Scribe => ColorSplit
selections => select none
layers => new raster layer
selections => load-save selection => from alpha channel
=> selection # 3
copy / paste the image into selection
effects => plugins => Scribe => Doughnutz
selections => select none
layers => new raster layer
selections => load-save selection => from alpha channel
=> selection # 4
copy / paste the image into selection
effects => plugins => Scribe => H Metal
selections => select none
layers => new raster layer
selections => load-save selection => from alpha channel
=> selection # 5
copy / paste the image into selection
effects => plugins => Scribe => Noisey
selections => select none
layers => new raster layer
selections => load-save selection => from alpha channel
=> selection # 6
copy / paste the image into selection
effects => plugins => Scribe => Partical
selections => select none
layers => new raster layer
selections => load-save selection => from alpha channel
=> selection # 7
copy / paste the image into selection
effects => plugins => Scribe => Switch / default
selections => select none
arrange this layer above the merged layer
highlight top layer
layers => new raster layer
selections => load-save selection => from alpha channel
=> selection # 8
layers => new raster layer
copy / paste the image into selection
effects => 3D effects => drop shadow => -2 / -2
/ 40 / 5 / black
effects => 3D effects => drop shadow => 2 / 2
/ 40 / 5 / black
selections => select none
arrange the layer above the image
close the eyes of the layers with the small frames
and highlight laver just above
layers => merge => merge visible
open the eyes of all the layers
your layers palette looks like this
copy / paste the different elements and drop a shadow
to each one
layers => merge => merge visible
edit => COPY
image => add borders => tick « symmetric » => ...
1 px / dark color picked up in your image
3 px light color
1 px dark color
50 px white
select the 50 px border with the Magic Wand tool
edit => paste into selection
adjust => blur => gaussian blur => 50
effects => plugins => Graphics Plus => Quick
Tile 1 / default settings
selections => select none
image => resize => tick « resize all layers » => 950
px width
apply your watermark or signature
write your licence number if you used a licenced tube
layers => merge => merge all (flatten)
save your work as... type .jpeg
Don't hesitate to write to me if you have any trouble
with this tutorial
If you create a tag (using other tubes than those provided)
with this tutorial
and wish it to be shown, send it to Alyciane !
It will be a real pleasure for her to add it to the gallery
at the end of the tutorial
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